Online sales service for business aviation flights

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We receive data from airlines in real time
Time saving
We show you the information online thanks to a high level of automation. We save your time on calls, correspondence and negotiations with brokers and airlines
Honest prices
The prices on our website exclude high commissions of intermediaries. The automatic calculation mechanism guarantees an instant formation of a fair and favorable price
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We have collected the most important information about sanctions and other restrictions related to the influence of COVID19 in a convenient and understandable form
How it works?
More than 10,000 hours of work of our team members went into the implementation of the software. About 150 presentations and meetings were required to attract partners
We have compiled a list of partner airlines' aircraft, according to which you can find out the possibility of performing a flight and its cost online
Avia Managament Group
One of the leading business jet operators in Russia. The company is dynamically developing due to following such principles as flight safety, efficiency and high quality standards.
The first Belarusian commercial business aviation operator established in 2017. The company's fleet consists of modern single-engine turboprop Pilatus PC-12NG with a capacity of up to 8 passengers.
The Group of companies has been working for its partners since 2000. The airline's fleet consists of Hawker-type aircraft. The highest requirements for safety, cleanliness and order in the cabin are imposed on aircraft.